Personal Finance Course (Day 8) - Leon Hoang
At last, we have arrived at the end of our long personal finance journey. And I loved every minute of it. We started the morning reflecting on what the course goals were, what we learned, what went well, and things that could be improved for the next year. When asked if the course should continue in future years, the class replied with a resounding "yes." As if anyone would say no after the valuable information we've learned in this last week and a half. I even suggested that we re-establish having Personal Finance and Investments be separate courses, on J-term and M-term respectively. Afterward, we reviewed the winners of our friendly Investopedia competition. I placed 5th– not bad for a first time day-trader! For lunch, we went off-campus to a lovely barbecue restaurant called The Pit Room. That pound of brisket was some of the best I've ever had, and it was a nice treat to cap off the course outings. When we returned, we were rewarded with a special showing of the...